A Special Place

Dear Baby Girl,

I'm having way too much fun designing your nursery :) Sometimes it seems kind of silly to spend so much time on it because I know that you will only be here for three months before we move and we'll have to leave it, but I can't imagine not having everything perfect for you when you come, even if you only use it for a short time.

Designing your nursery has been a really special thing for me - for so long I looked at that room, wanting it to be a nursery with a crib, toys, and a rocking chair, but I always had to fill it with something else because the baby I was dreaming of just wasn't coming. I didn't ever want to designate it to be  an office or a guest bedroom - I guess I felt that I would be giving up my dream of being a mother to make that room (that I wanted more than anything to be a nursery) anything else. And I didn't want to give up hope. I wanted to save your room for you.

Even before your Dad and I knew that your birth mom had chosen us to be your parents we bought a crib and setting it up was such precious moment for me - to finally see that room becoming what I always felt it was meant to be. Now, at least once every day I go into your nursery and just sit and look at it and imagine you in it. It's my happy place. A few nights ago your daddy even came home and caught me spreading out all of your little clothes on the floor :)

I'm excited to keep adding little things to your nursery as the next few months go on . . . I love preparing for you, being reminded that all of this is real and that  you are really going to be in my arms. Not too long and I will be able to smell you, kiss you, watch you sleep, and memorize all of your tiny features.

I love you, little one.

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